Unit Coordinated Camping

The Guide to Safe Scouting requires that all unit-coordinated camping activities with units from more than one chartered organization be approved by the council. The National policy states:

 “Local council approval is needed for unit-coordinated overnight camping activities involving other units not chartered by the same organization. Units that wish to host events involving other units that do not share the same charter partner must have approval from their council. This includes events for packs, troops, crews, and ships from the same council; neighboring councils; the same territory; or other territory.”

A multi-unit camping activity is not approved until approval is received by the person filling out this form, all unit leaders, and all chartered organization representatives. Incomplete or inaccurate information will delay the approval process.

This form is not needed for council-hosted camping events, which include:

  • Camporees
  • Summer Camp
  • Cub-O-Rees
  • Day Camps
  • Units that share a charter organization (Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship)