Once an Eagle, always an Eagle

The Aloha Council Chapter of the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) welcomes those who have earned their Eagle Scout rank to join this group for friendship, service, and networking.

Examples of NESA activities:

  • Attending Courts of Honor
  • Annual service project at Camp Ehrhorn, helping to maintain and improve this convenient campground minutes from downtown Honolulu
  • Assisting with the annual Eagle Scout Banquet, recognizing 200+ Aloha Council Scouts who earn the Eagle Rank each year
  • Volunteering and leading other Scout-related events

Regardless of where you earned your Eagle Scout Rank, you are welcome to join our Hawaii group.

For more information email or visit

Invite a member of the Aloha Council NESA Chapter to your Eagle Court of Honor. You will be presented with a NESA certificate and Eagle Coin. Mail your invitation to Aloha Council or email Patricia Mariteragi at

Hawaii's Distinguished Eagle Scout Award Recipients (DESA)


2016 Allan Ikawa 1993 Raymond E. Engle 1986 Admiral Ronald J. Hays, USN 1976 Admiral Maurice F. Weisner, USN
2015 Duane Kurisu 1992 Charles O. Swanson 1984 Walter K. Tagawa 1972 James F. Gary
2008 S. Kalani Brady 1991 Cyril Francis Damon, Jr. 1983 C. Dudley Pratt, Jr. 1972 Gen. William B. Rosson, USA
2007 Chris J. Kanazawa 1990 Henry C. Stackpole III (Far East Council) 1983 Dr. John Henry Felix 1969 C. Dudley Pratt, Sr.
2006 RADM Charles D. Wurster, USCG 1990 Alexander H. Brodie 1982 Edwin L. Carter 1969 Gen. Ralph E. Hines, Jr.
2005 Charles A. Sted 1988 H. Tucker Gratz 1981 William W. Paty, Jr.
2004 Warren H. Haruki 1987 Governor John D. Waihee, III 1978 Wilson P. Cannon, Jr.


Hawaii's NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award Recipients (NOESA)

2018 Kenneth DeHoff 2015 Ronald W.Y. Ling 2012 Gordon Kagawa
2017 Newton Chu 2015 Terrence Y.V. Kong 2011 Robert S. Hann
2017 Dan Cooke 2014 Kevin A. Doyle 2011 Arnold D. Martines
2016 Herbert Watanabe 2013 William E. Atwater
2016 Jon Blumhardt 2012 Elwin Spray (Ohio)

Council Alumnus of the Year

  • 2018 Helen Shirota-Benevides
  • 2017 Barry Taniguchi 
  • 2016 Robert Fujimoto