
Aloha Council Camping Overview

Aloha Council is proud of the opportunities that are available for Scouts and adult leaders at our camps.

Programs are offered to everyone from the first year camper to the skilled veteran in the areas of Aquatics, Handicraft, Nature and Scoutcraft. In addition to outstanding traditional Scouting America resident camps for our local troops, Aloha Council offers youth the opportunity to serve on camp staff and enables them to utilize and develop their leadership skills.

We are excited you are interested in joining Scouting! Connect with a unit today.

Scouting America, aloha council

Our Camps

Learning by Doing is a Hallmark of Outdoor Education​

Unit meetings offer information and knowledge used on outdoor adventures. A leader may describe and demonstrate a Scouting skill at a meeting, but the way Scouts truly learn an outdoor skill is to do it themselves on a unit outing. Health and wellness is also a part of the outdoor experience. As Scouts hike, paddle, climb, bike, or ride, their muscles become toned and their aerobic capacity increases. When they work as a patrol to plan menus for their outings, they learn to purchase cost-effective ingredients to prepare flavorful and nutritious meals.

The Aloha Council is committed to supporting the local Scouts within the Council to experience the pinnacle of the Scouting program through the Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Resident camping program with up to 50% Campership funding, being granted to qualified applicants in need.


All units and scout leaders should be aware of the following Scouting America guidelines and procedures pertaining to conducting Scouting’s Outdoor Programs:

Guide to Safe Scouting

All participants in official Scouting activities should become familiar with the Guide to Safe Scouting and applicable program literature or manuals, and be aware of state or local government regulations that supersede Scouting America practices, policies, and guidelines. The Guide to Safe Scouting is an overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources. For some items, the policy statements are complete. Unit leaders are expected to review the additional reference material cited prior to conducting such activities.

Protecting Youth is Our Priority
Current BSA Youth Protection Training is Required Training. Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers and is a joining requirement.

Q: I am an adult attending a pack, troop, crew, or ship overnight activity, do I have to be registered?
A. Yes, if you participate/stay overnight, you must be currently registered as an adult volunteer or as an adult program participant. Adult volunteers must register in the position(s) they are serving in and be approved by their charter partner where applicable. Also, see Cub Scout Exception for parents or legal guardians.

Scouting America, Aloha Council places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members.

The Guide to Safe Scouting requires that all unit-coordinated camping activities with units from more than one chartered organization be approved by the council. The National policy states:

 “Local council approval is needed for unit-coordinated overnight camping activities involving other units not chartered by the same organization. Units that wish to host events involving other units that do not share the same charter partner must have approval from their council. This includes events for packs, troops, crews, and ships from the same council; neighboring councils; the same territory; or other territory.”

A multi-unit camping activity is not approved until approval is received by the person filling out this form, all unit leaders, and all chartered organization representatives. Incomplete or inaccurate information will delay the approval process.

The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being. Completing the Annual Health and Medical Record is the first step in making sure you have a great Scouting experience.

Q. Who needs to complete an Annual Health and Medical Record? A. For any and all Scouting activities, all participants must compete Part A and Part B (both pages). “All participants” includes parents, guardians, siblings, youth, staff, and unit leaders.

Though Part C is only required for participation in events lasting longer than 72 hours, all Scouting America participants are encouraged to complete this pre-participation physical during an annual exam performed by a licensed health-care provider.