Membership Renewal Information

Please refer to the information below detailing renewal details, effective May 1, 2024.
Prices & Fees
- Youth in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts: $150 for a 12-month Membership
- Adult in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts: $86 for a 12-month Membership
- This includes adults not associated in a unit, but are registering or renewing at the district or council levels.
- Youth and Adult in Exploring Posts or Club: $77 for a 12-month Membership
- Merit Badge Counselors, Nova Counselors, and Super Nova Mentors have a fee of $25 if they are not registered at the unit, district, or council level.
- As a reminder, registration as a counselor or mentor is not considered registered in a unit position, therefore, they are not allowed to attend overnight scouting activities and events. Please note that a registered counselor or a mentor cannot multiple as an Adult Leader in a unit, district, or council level.
- ScoutLife is optional for each 12-month subscription at $15
For New & Existing Members
Please ensure that the email address associated with your membership is current and correct. This is to ensure that you receive renewal notifications. When submitting an email address for Youth, the email address should match that of a parent or family member.
- Renewals can take place two months before membership expires.
- Registered members whose membership expires within 60 days will receive an email notification and a renewal link.
- Unit leaders will receive a copy of the email/notification on who is renewing.
- Reminder emails will follow at 30, 15 and 7 days, 24 hours before, and 7 days after membership expires.
Please note that the email notification is system-generated and does not come directly from the Aloha Council.
Membership Renewal Process
There are three ways that membership renewal can be completed:
- Self Pay Online
- Members/Parents renew online through their account
- Unit Pay Online
- Unit pays for members’ registration
- Pay to Council
- Unit authorizes use of Custodial Account or submits payment to Council
Self Pay Online
- The email notifications with the renewal link will be sent 60 days prior to the membership expiring.
- The renewal link will direct individuals to complete the process on My.Scouting.Org.
- If registered in more than one unit, district or council-level position, the member or family will need to select which position is primary. All other positions will need to be renewed once renewal for the primary position is paid.
- The individual pays with a credit card and submits the renewal.
- The credit card payment has an administration fee of 3%.
Unit Pay Online
- Unit Key 3s are notified each month about which members are due to renew that month.
- In Organization Manager, the unit selects the Unit Pay option.
- Using the Roster tab, the unit selects which members they are renewing.
- The unit can choose not to renew a member (opt-out). The unit can also change the Scout’s Life subscription settings for each person.
- The unit may pay with a credit card or ACH and submit the renewal.
- The credit card payment has an administration fee of 3%.
- The ACH Payment has an administration fee of $1.00, regardless of the total cost of renewal fees.
Unit Pay to Council
- If the unit chooses to pay for their members, the Key 3 or Key 3 Delegates will need to select the members to renew.
- In Organization Manager, under Roster, the Key 3 or Key 3 Delegate will select members to renew.
- Once selection(s) are made, under the Print Icon, the Unit Payment of Membership Renewal report will need to be generated.
- Unit Key 3 or Key 3 Delegate will need make any necessary changes to the report (i.e. Adult Leadership Position, Scout Life Subscription, etc).
- Submit Unit Payment of Membership Renewal report and payment to Council.
- The Unit may elect to submit payment to Council or authorize use of the Unit Custodial Account.