Merit Badge Counselor
Four Steps to Become a Merit Badge Counselor
- Complete Youth Protection Training
To become a merit badge counselor, a volunteer must complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) Once complete, you will be able to print a completion certificate. Please print it as you must submit this proof of completion with your application to be a merit badge counselor. - Complete the BSA Adult Leader Application
Having completed Youth Protection Training, you need to complete a new adult application. This form is required in addition to your current registration with your unit or District. Please pay special attention to filling in the “Council/District Position” as “Merit Badge Counselor”. The signature blocks for the unit committee chairman and chartered organization representative do not have to be signed. Those approvals are for a unit. The adult application must be submitted with the Merit Badge Counselor Information Sheet. NOTE: The entire application form must be filled in and signed, including the Disclosure/Authorization page located before the application form page itself. All applicants and currently Registered Scouters go through a background check – as noted and authorized on the Disclosure/Authorization page of the Adult Application form. If you are not affliated with any current unit, you will be charged a $25 registration fee. - Complete the Merit Badge Counselor Information Form
This form is used by the Council to know which merit badges you want to teach, to show why you are qualified to teach the listed merit badges, and to approve your request. Before filling it out, read both sides of the form. If you have any questions or need assistance, please talk with your District Executive.
Merit Badge Counselor Information Form - Turn in all the Paperwork to Council

Merit Badge Counselor renewals are due every year. This is in addition to registering as a leader for any Unit of which you may be a part.
If you are a new merit badge counselor or are a merit badge counselor that wants to make additions to your list, you will need to fill out the paper copy.
You will need to know the following information to complete the MBC renewal form:
- Your BSA member ID number.
- Your current Youth Protection Training date. For YPT to be current in the Aloha Council (taken annually), it must have a completion date within the past 12 months.
- The date (or approximate date) that you took Merit Badge Counselor training.
- Your current merit badge counselor registration can be accessed via your Scoutbook account. Please login and navigate to: My Dashboard > My Account > My Positions > Merit Badge Counselor.
- Check the list of merit badges that you have been approved for. When renewing, you can list the merit badges that you want to drop.
- If you want to add any, there is a Merit Badge Counselor form that will need to be completed so that you can give your qualifications for approval. Once completed you can email the form to